Pre-purchase inspection
Before buying your next vehicle we strongly recommend having it inspected regardless whether it has already had a R.W.C inspection.
We find too much trust is given that the vehicle is in good condition even though it has had a R.W.C inspection. Common faults that aren’t reported during the R.W.C can be, Service history, has this vehicle missed major service? or Timing belt ( which could cost up to a $1000) or is a major service almost due?, common items that may just make it through a R.W.C can be Brakes & Tyres, which can be costly items to replace, previous accident damage, does the vehicle drive straight ? & has even tyre wear, where the repairs carried out in a professional manner? vehicle accessories like AIR-CON, Cruze control, Stero , etc often don’t work.
For a small fee we could save you thousands of dollars and heart ache or give you peace of mind.